Is Lake Havasu Waterfront Real Estate Worth the Premium Price?

The Lake Havasu real estate market has much to offer investors and businesses. If you look at the area, you’ll see that waterfront properties have exceptionally high values. Some investors and businesses may wonder if Lake Havasu waterfront real estate is worth the high prices. While the value is there, it might not be clear to everyone. This post explores what makes waterfront properties more expensive and how they deliver value for investors and businesses.
The Value of Lake Havasu Waterfront Real Estate
First, let’s examine factors influencing the price, like Lake Havasu’s status as a tourist destination. It sees a steady influx of visitors that drive economic activity, which affects commercial real estate throughout the area. Its impact is strongest near the waterfront.
Another factor is the simple dynamic of supply and demand. The availability of waterfront real estate is limited, but demand for waterfront property is high. Combining the two factors gives you a recipe for expensive real estate. However, the value is there for businesses and investors who can make the most of the location.
A Location That Adds Brand Value
Owning and operating a business on Lake Havasu’s waterfront elevates its brand image. This works for businesses that own their location and investors who rent space to businesses. Waterfront locations are associated with luxury, exclusivity, and high-end experiences, setting businesses apart from competitors and increasing value in customers’ minds.
Increased Visibility on the Waterfront
Waterfront locations offer increased visibility for businesses. The lake is a draw, and tourists and locals spend a lot of time in waterfront locations. That brings a natural flow of people that will increase visibility. It also means a lot of foot traffic. From retail space to recreation businesses, the draw of the lake can raise your profile and attract more customers.
Creating a Better Customer Experience
There’s also something to be said for the experiences a business can provide with a waterfront location. Restaurants can offer dining with breathtaking lake views. Hotels and resorts could offer direct water access and other experiences. Businesses and investors have several options for leveraging this unique location to enhance the customer experience.
Property Appreciation
The same factors that make these properties more expensive to buy also make them a good investment. Limited supply and high demand result in higher appreciation. Waterfront businesses also increase in value because of the location. These businesses often see better long-term success and higher resale values.
Whether Lake Havasu waterfront property is worth the price depends on the buyer’s use. Some buyers leverage the location to its full advantage. However, some businesses or investments may do just as well at other locations in the area. That’s where having an experienced adviser can help.
Are you interested in Lake Havasu waterfront real estate? Click here to contact Shuffler Commercial Real Estate. We are experts in the local market and can guide you to the right properties.
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